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You’re a genuine New Jerseyan if you recognize or can relate to at least 10 of these…

New Jersey

  • - You’ve been seriously injured at Action Park.
  • - You don’t think of citrus when people mention “The Oranges.”
  • - You know that it’s called “Great Adventure,” not “Six Flags.”
  • - You’ve ordered a hard roll with butter for breakfast.
  • - You’ve known the way to Seaside Heights since you were seven.
  • - You remember that the “Two Guys” were from Harrison.
  • - You know that the state isn’t one big oil refinery.
  • - At least three people in your family still love Bruce Springsteen, and you know what town Jon Bon Jovi is from.
  • - You know what a “jug handle” is.
  • - You know that a WaWa is a convenience store.
  • - You know that the state isn’t all farmland.
  • - You know that there are no “beaches” in New Jersey there’s “The Shore,” and you know that the road to the shore is “The Parkway” not “The Garden State Highway.”
  • - You know that “Piney” isn’t referring to a tree.
  • - Even your school cafeteria made good Italian subs. And you call it a “sub”not a “submarine sandwich” or worse yet, a “hoagie” or a “hero.”
  • - You remember the song from the Palisades Park commercials.
  • - You know how to properly negotiate a Circle.
  • - You knew that the last question had to do with driving.
  • - You know that this is the only “New…” state that doesn’t require “New” to identify it (like, try …Mexico, ...York, ...Hampshire – doesn’t work, does it?).
  • - You only go to New York City for day trips, and you only call it “The City.”
  • - You know that a “White Castle” is the name of BOTH a fast food chain AND a fast food sandwich.
  • - You consider a corned beef sandwich with lettuce and Mayo a sacrilege.
  • - In the 80’s you wore your hair REALLY high.
  • - You don’t think “What exit”(do you live near?) is very funny.
  • - You know that the real first “strip shopping center” in the country is Route 22.
  • - You know that people from 609 area code are “a little different.”
  • - You know that no respectable New Jerseyan goes to Princeton – that’s for out-of staters.
  • - The Jets-Giants game has started fights at your school or local bar.
  • - You live within 20 minutes of at least three different malls.
  • - You can see the Manhattan skyline from some part of your town.
  • - You refer to all highways and interstates by their numbers.
  • - Every year, you had at least one kid in your class named Tony.
  • - You know where every “clip” shown in the Sopranos opening credits is.
  • - You’ve gotten on the wrong highway trying to get out of Willowbrook Mall.
  • - You’ve eaten a Boardwalk cheesesteak with vinegar fries.
  • - You start planning for Memorial Day weekend in February. And finally..
  • - You’ve never pumped your own gas.

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